Tacoma City Theaters provides a safe and enjoyable event experience for all guests. Our seating, lobbies, and restrooms are entirely ADA accessible.

ADA Accessible Seating

Wheelchair seats and companion seats are available for every event. ADA Accessible seating and companion seats are marked on the venue map when you are choosing seats.

Assisted Listening Devices

Assisted listening devices are available by request at all three theaters: Pantages, Rialto and Theater on the Square. Please visit the Box Office, or ask an usher for assistance.

Balcony Seating

  • ​The Pantages Theater balcony is accessible via the Jones Building elevator.
  • The Rialto Theater does not have an elevator.
  • All seating is accessible by the lobby elevator at the Theatre on the Square.


All three theaters have ADA Accessible Restrooms.

  • Pantages Theater - Located on the 3rd Floor and can be accessed by the elevator located in the Jones Lobby.
  • Rialto Theater - Located just off the lobby entrance near the ADA accessible seating area.
  • Theatre on the Square - ADA accessible restroom is accessible via the lobby elevator.

Questions about Accessibility can be directed to the Tacoma City Theaters Box Office at 253-591-5894 or boxoffice@asmtacoma.com